# SVG Class Reference

The Victor::SVG (and Victor::SVGBase) class provides a foundation for creating SVG graphics in Ruby. It supports custom templates, CSS styling, and flexible SVG element generation.

# Initialization

# #initialize

Creates a new instance of SVG.

Parameter Type Description
attributes Hash, optional Initial attributes for the SVG, such as :width, :height, and :viewBox.
block Proc, optional A block that defines the SVG content.
svg = Victor::SVGBase.new viewBox: '0 0 200 200'
svg.circle cx: '100', cy: '100', r: '50'

# Initialize with a block
svg = Victor::SVGBase.new viewBox: '0 0 200 200' do
  circle cx: '100', cy: '100', r: '50'

# Building

# #tag / #element

Adds an SVG element to the content.

Parameter Type Description
name Symbol or String The tag name of the SVG element.
value String, optional The content inside the element.
attributes Hash, optional Attributes for the SVG element.
  • If value is a Hash, it's treated as attributes.
  • If name ends with !, the content is not XML-escaped.
  • This method is the target for method_missing, enabling dynamic element names.
svg.element :rect, x: '10', y: '10', width: '100', height: '100'
svg.tag :text, 'Hello, World!', x: '50', y: '50'

# #build

Evaluates a block in the context of the SVG instance, allowing dynamic SVG content creation.

Parameter Type Description
block Proc, optional A block that defines the SVG content.
svg.build do
  circle cx: '100', cy: '100', r: '50'
  text 'Centered Text', x: '100', y: '100'

# #append / #embed / #<<

Adds content from another source to the SVG. This can be used to compose SVG using other SVG objects.

Parameter Type Description
additional_content Object Any object that responds to to_s. Usually this is another Victor::SVG object.
host = SVG.new
guest = SVG.new

host << guest
host.append guest
host.embed guest

# #css

Manages CSS definitions for the SVG.

Parameter Type Description
defs Hash, optional CSS definitions to set.
Type Description
Hash The current CSS definitions.
svg.css = { '.hint': { color: :red, font_size: '12px' } }
svg['.hint'] = { color: :red, font_size: '12px' }

# Rendering / Saving

# #save

Saves the SVG content to a file.

Parameter Type Description
filename String The name of the file to save.
template Symbol or String, optional The template to use.
glue String, optional The glue string to use between SVG elements.
svg.save 'outfile'
svg.save 'outfile', template: :minimal
svg.save 'outfile', template: 'path/to/template'
svg.save 'outfile.svg', template: 'path/to/template', glue: ''

# #render

Renders the full SVG string, including its CSS and SVG header.

Parameter Type Description
template Symbol or String, optional The template to use.
glue String, optional The glue string to use between SVG elements.
puts svg.render

# #to_s

Converts the SVG content to a string. This method is used internally to join the SVG content with the specified glue.

puts svg

# Internal / Special Use

# #setup

Sets up the initial attributes for the SVG.

This method is used internally, and by the DSL and typically not required for basic usage.

Parameter Type Description
attributes Hash Initial attributes for the SVG, such as :width, :height, and :viewBox.

# #content

Manages the array of SVG lines. This is used internally to assemble the SVG content.

# #svg_attributes

Holds the attributes for the SVG element, such as width, height, and other SVG attributes.

svg.svg_attributes.width = '200'
svg.svg_attributes.height = '200'

# #template

Specifies the SVG template to use. This is rarely needed as the default template is often sufficient.

svg.template = :minimal
svg.template = 'path/to/template'

# #glue

Specifies the string to use between SVG elements. This is rarely needed as the default glue is often sufficient.