# SVG Attributes

Victor converts the options hash you pass to a tag into SVG attributes:

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.rect x: 2, y: 2,
  width: 200, height: 200
<rect x="2" y="2"
  width="200" height="200"/>

# Ruby-to-CSS Transformation Rules

# Underscores to hyphens

Underscores in attribute names, are converted to hyphens (font_family font-family):

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.text "Victor",
  x: 40, y: 50,
  font_family: 'Arial',
  font_weight: :bold,
  font_size: 40
  x="40" y="50"

# Symbol values

Symbol values are treated as strings:

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.rect fill: :red
<rect fill="red"/>

# Hash value

If the value of an attribute is a hash, it will be converted to a style-compatible string, where keys and values are combined with a colon (:), and key-value pairs are combined with a semicolon (;):

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.rect x: 0, y: 0,
  style: { stroke: '#ccc', fill: 'red' }
<rect x="0" y="0"
  style="stroke:#ccc; fill:red"/>

# Array value

If the value of an attribute is an array, it will be converted to a space-delimited string:

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.polygon points: %w[0,0 50,100 100,0]
<polygon points="0,0 50,100 100,0"/>

# See Also