# Component Class Reference

The Victor::Component class provides you with means to create standalone SVG components that can be composed together.

# Initialization

Victor::Component is an abstract class. Create a class that inherits it:

class GameBoard < Victor::Component
  # implementation

# Required Implementation Methods

All components are rendered with 100% width and height, and with a given viewBox that is determined by x, y, width and height as provided by the object itself.

Your class is required to implement these methods:

# #body

This method will be called once and once only when the SVG is rendered. In this method you are expected to build your SVG by calling add.* and append (or its alias, embed) to add SVG elements.

class GameBoard < Victor::Component
  def body
    add.rect x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height
    add.text 'Round 1', x: 10, y: 10
    game_piece = GamePiece.new  # another Component
    embed game_piece

# #height / #width

Since components are designed to be composable, each component is required to advertise its point height and width. This becomes useful when a container component needs to set its own size based on the size of the guest components.

You can either provide these values as method overrides, or as instance variables.

class BoardCell < Victor::Component
  def initialize
    @height = 100
    @width = 100

class GameBoard < Victor::Component
  def height = @height ||= cell.height * 8
  def width = @width ||= cell.width * 8
  def cell = @cell ||= BoardCell.new

# Optional Implementation Methods

# #x / #y

Similar to the width and height properties, you may define the x and y origin of your object. By default, these are set to 0.

This is useful when you wish to provide a host component with the ability to set the object's location, without resorting to positioning by other means, such as SVG's <g transform='translate(...)'> tag.

You can either provide these values as method overrides, or as instance variables.

class BoardCell < Victor::Component
  def initialize(x, y)
    @x = x
    @y = y

class GameBoard < Victor::Component
  def body
    cell = BoardCell.new 20, 20
    append cell

# #style

The Component class is designed to allow each component to define its own CSS stylesheet, and is responsible for merging all styles together whenever you call the append / embed method.

To achieve this, you can define a style method that returns a hash.

class BoardCell < Victor::Component
  def style
      '.cell':       { stroke: :white, stroke_width: 1 },
      '.light.cell': { fill: '#d4a76f' },
      '.dark.cell':  { fill: '#6a3f2b' }

# Additional Methods

# add

This is an alias to the underlying Victor::SVG object. It is intended to be used in your #body implementation to add SVG elements.

def body
  add.rect x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height

# #append / #embed

Use this method in your your #body implementation, to embed another component. This method is doing two things:

  1. Appending the SVG of the guest component.
  2. Merging the CSS (#style) of the guest component into its own.
def body
  append Cell.new
  # or: embed Cell.new

# #svg

Returns the final Victor::SVG object, after rendering all its guest components and their CSS styles.

Under most normal circumstances, you do not need to call this method directly, it is called as needed by other methods.

# Delegated Methods

Method Description
#save Delegated to Victor::SVG#save
#render Delegated to Victor::SVG#render
#content Delegated to Victor::SVG#content
#element Delegated to Victor::SVG#element
#tag Delegated to Victor::SVG#tag
#css Delegated to Victor::SVG#css
#to_s Delegated to Victor::SVG#to_s