CSS gets a special treatment in Victor, with these goals in mind:

  1. Provide a DSL-like syntax for CSS rules.
  2. Handle CSS separately, in order to allow merging CSS from multiple SVG images.

Victor::SVG has a #css property, which can contain either a Hash or a String:

svg = Victor::SVG.new

svg.css = css_hash_or_string
# or without the equal sign:
svg.css css_hash_or_string

svg.build do
  # ...

This flexibility allows you to apply CSS in multiple ways. Below are some examples.

# Building the CSS

# Using hash keys

svg = Victor::SVG.new

# without a build block
svg.css['.box'] = { fill: :red }

# or inside a build block
svg.build do 
  css['.main'] = {
    stroke: "green", 
    stroke_width: 2,
    fill: "yellow"

  circle cx: 35, cy: 35, r: 20, class: 'main'
  rect x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50, class: 'box'

# Using a full hash

svg.css = {
  '.bar': {
    fill: '#666',
    stroke: '#fff',
    stroke_width: 1
  '.negative': {
    fill: '#f66'
  '.positive': {
    fill: '#6f6'

# Using a string

svg.css = <<CSS
  .main {
    stroke: green;
    stroke-width: 2;
    fill: yellow;
    opacity: 0.7;

# Using an external file

svg.css = File.read 'styles.css'

# Ruby-to-CSS Transformation Rules

# Underscores to hyphens

Underscore characters will be converted to hyphens:

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.css['.box'] = {
  stroke_width: 20
  .box { stroke-width: 20; }

# Array prefixing

If you need to add CSS statements , like @import, use the following syntax:

Ruby Input
SVG Output
svg.css['@import'] = [
  @import url('https://fonts/family=Audiowide');
  @import url('https://fonts/family=Pacifico');

This is achieved thanks to the fact that when Victor encounters an array in the CSS hash, it will prefix each of the array elements with the hash key, so the above will result in two @import url(...) rows.

# See Also